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One of the great ways to get in touch with your community is volunteering. Feeding the hungry at the local food bank, mentoring the young, or participating in clean environments-count every act of service that yields a belief of belonging and purpose in the community. With volunteering, not only will it provide you with a means of giving for others but also uplift your life by developing useful skills, networking opportunities, and improving your well-being. Time and talents invested together form a significant part of who contributes to a larger cause, impacting somebody's life so deeply that they spread the hope and inspire others to get involved.
Innocent giggles with beaming eyes, is what I noticed when I entered the Mission Education centre (Anandadhara), home to 550 students in the district of Noapara. They are children of minor farmers and daily wagers who have migrated.
Innocent giggles with beaming eyes, is what I noticed when I entered the Mission Education centre (Anandadhara), home to 550 students in the district of Noapara. They are children of minor farmers and daily wagers who have migrated.
I’m Julie a French student in Public Health. I’ve done a 2 month-long internship with Smile Foundation. I learnt so much about public health, medicine, and about the Indian lifestyle. I really enjoyed working with smile foundation.
These children helped me realize that you just need your little dreams and the motivation to fulfill them for true happiness. I am proud of each one of them. I am proud of this moment with them, and a little proud about myself too.
Innocent giggles with beaming eyes, is what I noticed when I entered the Mission Education centre (Anandadhara), home to 550 students in the district of Noapara. They are children of minor farmers and daily wagers who have migrated.
Innocent giggles with beaming eyes, is what I noticed when I entered the Mission Education centre (Anandadhara), home to 550 students in the district of Noapara. They are children of minor farmers and daily wagers who have migrated.
Smile Foundation and Oppo India launch “Wall of Knowledge”
Amet minim mollit no duis deserut lamo sit enim aliqua dolor.
Amet minim mollit no duis deserut lamo sit enim aliqua dolor.